
Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Did you pick a material or technique that was new or different over something that was familiar?
I have really been enjoying pen and ink for the last three projects! I think I will continue doing my projects this way mainly because I have enjoyed the outcome. For most of the mediums I have used in art 4 I have struggled with technique and my style but with pen and ink I think I found what I do best. I didn’t encounter much if any struggles in this piece (mainly because I am not working with any new material) so I would have to say nothing was different or new other than the animal and the composition. I was really intimidated by Donkeys (and horses), their bodies are really hard for me to draw and I have to focus on the legs and heads in order to create a realistic piece. But since my last acrylic painting of horses, I have really learned how to draw a horse better.

When did you step back and analyze you work during this project? 
I like to step back and look at my work a lot! Mainly so I can see any major flaws or where I need to darken things up. Overall I only looked back at it a few times from far away, doing this helps me stay in perspective so I can be more aware of how it all works together. One thing I struggle with in art is keeping things in perspective, after looking at a painting or drawling for more than 10 hours usually leads me to get frustrated or bored. So by backing up and looking at the big picture really helps me focus on what needs to get down and how much more effort I need to put into it.
Did you consider how ideas would work before you tried them?
Since I have already done two projects this way I didn’t really consider how my ideas would work, I just tested them out on the final. I usually try to do a big sketch of the whole piece before I start but I only practiced the heads and legs.

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